Top 5 Tank Mates for Guppies

Guppies are popular among fish enthusiasts of all experience levels due to their hardiness and sociable nature. They’re active, entertaining, and great for species-only tanks. But what if you want a community tank? Here are the top traits and five ideal tank mates for Guppies:

Top 5 Tank Mates for Guppies:


Peaceful bottom dwellers that thrive in groups of six or more. They stay out of Guppies’ way, matching their size and coexisting harmoniously.

Harlequin Rasboras

These schooling fish (8-10 recommended) are peaceful, adapt to varying conditions, and coexist well in shared spaces without territorial issues/

Cardinal Tetras

Brightly colored and center-tank dwellers, these fish are peaceful, share similar water needs, and stay safe in larger schools.

Bristlenose Plecos

Solitary bottom dwellers that need moderate care. They don’t compete for food or space and blend well into the tank environment.

Female Bettas

Hardy and less aggressive than males, female Bettas coexist peacefully with Guppies. They’re strong eaters and adaptable to various tank setups.

Whether you want a lively group or a solitary addition, these options make for ideal Guppy companions!